Page 29 - Artefacts Catalogue
P. 29
Donated Artefacts Catalogue Redditch Historic Archives
Collection: RDDHM.2022.49 Museum Reference: RLHS-DAR-049
Title: Photographs of British Needle employees
Description: A number of photographs passed down from her mother and Grandmother
of employees of British Needles in the middle of the 20th C.
Donation: gift no condition donation
Classification: photograph(s)
Location: A1
Also includes information about Jane's
father, Jack Field, a former Redditch
Image: RLHS-DAR-049.jpg
Collection: RDDHM.2022.50 Museum Reference: RLHS-DAR-050
Title: Hello From Australia
Description: Memories of her father and his family who lived in Redditch in the very early
20th century.
Donation: gift no condition donation
Classification: memories
Location: A1
Image: RLHS-DAR-050.jpg
© RLHM 2023 Page: 29