Page 5 - Artefacts Catalogue
P. 5
Donated Artefacts Catalogue Redditch Historic Archives
Collection: RDDHM.2022.1 Museum Reference: RLHS-DAR-001
Title: Geoff Holmes Collection
Description: A4 folder containing 1500 B&W negatives of photographs taken of Redditch
during the late 1960s/early 1970s by Geoff Holmes.
Donation: gift no condition donation
Classification: photograph(s)
Location: A1
Negatives have been digitised and
used in the Remembering Lost project
and used displays/talks by society
Image: RLHS-DAR-001.jpg
Collection: RDDHM.2022.2 Museum Reference: RLHS-DAR-002
Title: Milward's Calendar
Description: Milward's 1980 Anniversary Calendar . Limited edition number 2429
Donation: gift no condition donation
Classification: artefact
Location: A1
Calendar celebrates 250 years of
Milward's Needles and contains
photographs and images relating to
the needle industry over that period.
Image: RLHS-DAR-002.jpg
© RLHM 2023 Page: 5