Page 59 - Artefacts Catalogue
P. 59
Donated Artefacts Catalogue Redditch Historic Archives
Collection: RDDHM.2022.109 Museum Reference: RLHS-DAR-109
Title: Hydrovane Photographs
Description: 3 box files of photographs relating to the products, people & places of the
Hydrovane company.
Donation: gift no condition donation
Classification: photograph(s)
Location: A1
Not yet catalogued in detail
Image: RLHS-DAR-109.jpg
Collection: RDDHM.2022.110 Museum Reference: RLHS-DAR-110
Title: Girl Guides Parade
Description: Girl Guides from the Evesham Street Congregational Church parade on
Mount Pleasant. Girls include Kay Styler, Bray, Pamela Lake & Jean
Donation: gift no condition donation
Classification: copied images/photographs
Location: A1
Image: RLHS-DAR-110.jpg
© RLHM 2023 Page: 59