Page 68 - Artefacts Catalogue
P. 68

Redditch Historic Archives                                         Donated Artefacts Catalogue

                    Collection:  RDDHM.2022.127             Museum Reference: RLHS-DAR-127

                         Title:  Ipsley Survey

                  Description:  Copy of an Archaeological Survey of the Ipsley Area carried out prior to
                                building in the area for the New Town. (Hence C1970s)

                     Donation:  gift no condition donation

                Classification:  document(s)
                     Location: A2


             Image:            RLHS-DAR-127.jpg

                    Collection:  RDDHM.2022.128             Museum Reference: RLHS-DAR-128

                         Title:  - Wednesdays'?? Football Team
                  Description:  A Team photograph thought to be late 1960 of the  - Wednesdays Football
                                Team, so name because the player were in retail of other occupations and
                                could only play on Wednesdays which were traditionally a half-day closing

                     Donation:  gift no condition donation

                Classification:  photograph(s)

                     Location: A2

          Photograph taken at the Cadbury
          ground in Bournville where typically
          many competition matches took place.

             Image:            RLHS-DAR-128.jpg

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