Page 98 - Artefacts Catalogue
P. 98

Redditch Historic Archives                                         Donated Artefacts Catalogue

                    Collection:  RDDHM.2022.187             Museum Reference: RLHS-DAR-187

                         Title:  Framed Picture '?? Church Green West

                  Description:  A print of a painting of the site of Smallwood Hospital.

                     Donation:  gift bought by rlhs

                Classification:  framed picture or document
                     Location: A2


             Image:            RLHS-DAR-187.jpg

                    Collection:  RDDHM.2022.188             Museum Reference: RLHS-DAR-188

                         Title:  Birchensale Farm '?? Book
                  Description:  A copy of the Norman Neasom Book Birchensale Farm- which contain
                                prints of his paintings reflecting growing up at the farm.

                     Donation:  gift no condition donation

                Classification:  book(s)

                     Location: A2

          Added to the Redditch Heritage
          Library collection

             Image:            RLHS-DAR-188.jpg

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