One of the several Outreach activities we have planned is supporting schools and other local young people’s groups.
Pleased to say we have got this programme up and running with two visits to the museum and a third in the pipeline.

On Wednesday evening, 15th June, we welcomed the 1st Matchborough Scout group with a dozen scouts to the museum. We set the the challenged of following out “Time Trail” and answering question on Redditch local History as part of the “Local Knowledge” badge.
All were successful and went away happy

On Friday morning, 17th June, we welcomed the about 24 year 2 children from St. Luke’s 1st School together with teachers and helpers.
After walking down from Headless Cross, biscuits and drinks were first on the agenda before they too set about following out “Time Trail” and answering question on Redditch local History.
This was followed by a question and answer session with museum volunteers before they set off on the walk back to school.
Our next event is another party from St. Luke’s, this time year 4 pupils on the 1st July.
If your are involved with younger generations and would like to involve them with an interesting and educational visit, please contact us at the museum.