Well, an account of one.

Another successful book signing today at the museum with Chris Sharpe signing and selling his new book entitled “The Ghost of Gethen”
An interesting book, half fact and half novel, being based on the murder of the local Beoley policemen, P C Davies, by local poacher Moses Shrimpton.

Chris’s novel is a fictionalized account of this notorious event in local history and its publication was to be organised completely by the Chris. We were very pleased that we helped Chris sell 30 copies today and we have stocks in the museum for those who could not come along today but would like a copy.
As with Chris’s book, there was always doubt who actually did the fould deed, so once you have read Chris’s book why not pop back to the museum where we have full details of the actual murder, and Moses’s trial and execution, in cuttings from the local papers at at the time. You can then make up your own mind.
The museum is open Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays from 10am to 4pm at 5 Market Place Redditch. Please support us.