The Museum is pleased to be a member of the British Association for Local History (BALH)
The British Association for Local History (BALH) was created in 1982 as the successor to earlier organisations which had supported the study of local history over previous decades.
Its purpose is to encourage and assist the study of local history throughout Great Britain as an academic discipline and as a rewarding leisure pursuit for both individuals and groups.
To achieve this the Association
- serves as the national body representing local and regional historians
- hosts Local History Day, an annual event open to all, with discussions, presentation of awards, AGM, and a specially commissioned lecture based on current research
- publishes the prestigious quarterly journal The Local Historian which includes regular features on themes, sources, websites, and a copious reviews section
- produces a quarterly members’ magazine Local History News reporting on up to date developments and examples of best practice from around the country
- makes annual awards to individuals who have made a significant contribution to local history; for excellence in research and publication; and for an outstanding local society newsletter
- organises guided visits to places of relevant interest, often not easily accessible otherwise collaborates with other organisations to arrange conferences and similar events around the country
- provides a website for information and links publishes specialist handbooks.
The specific benefits to us is that it gives us a window on what is going on, and trending, in local history across the country. It publishes two documents four time a year. A newsletter – Local history News, and a journal – The Local Historian.
Copies of these documents are available in the museum’s reference library. Do come in and browse them, they contain some very interesting articles.