The trustees and volunteers at the Redditch Local History museum would like to take this opportunity to thank all the visitors, donors, contributors and supporters who have helped us in 2022 to pursue our mission of saving Redditch history and heritage
2022 saw the first anniversary of opening the museum in November. So as we move into a new year, and our second year of operation, we continue to seek your support so that we can continue what we are doing, grow the services we provide to the community and expand the historic offering of the museum.
If you visited us in 2022, please visit again in 2023. Please tell others about the museum and encourage them to visit. If you donated to us in 2022 please donate again, like all businesses and charities our cost are continuing to rise with inflation. If you thought about joining us as a volunteer, please make the new years resolution to volunteer in 2023.
Thank you all once again. The very best seasons greeting to you all and we look forward to seeing you in 2023.