Redditch New Town

  • RDC Scrap Books

    Thumbnail for the post titled: RDC Scrap Books

    As its time as the driving force in creating Redditch New Town drew to a close, the Development Corporation produced two limited edition scrap books containing newspaper clips of many…

  • New Town Photo Galleries

    Thumbnail for the post titled: New Town Photo Galleries

    One of the challenges we have set ourselves is collecting and presenting the the town of Redditch in tis pre-, developing- and post- new town phases. These galleries include some…

  • Redditch New Town on Film

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Redditch New Town on Film

    Both during the build, and since the completion of the new town, films has be made about why, how and the result of the development. These provided a unique insight…

  • Key Development Stages

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Key Development Stages

    The Development Corporation were task with building the new town over a twenty-year timescale. Thus there was a mammoth task of planning, scheduling and coordinating the project. We can now…

  • Promoting Redditch New Town

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Promoting Redditch New Town

    If physically building the new town was a challenge, the Development Corporation also faced the task of attracting businesses and people to the town. A major promotional effort was undertaken…

  • Building Redditch New Town

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Building Redditch New Town

    Unlike many new town which were built on greenfield sites, Redditch was already a town with a population of 24,000 so with the task of quadrupling the size, the Redditch…

  • Why Redditch New Town?

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Why Redditch New Town?

    After the second world war there was a urgent need, particularly as a result of the bombing of Birmingham to create new houses in the West Midlands. The debate on…