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  • Murder At The Museum

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    Well, an account of one. Another successful book signing today at the museum with Chris Sharpe signing and selling his new book entitled “The Ghost of Gethen” An interesting book,…

  • 1923 Business Directory

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    Another very interesting artefacts donated to the museum in the last week, a copy of a 1923 Directory of Businesses in Redditch and the surrounding towns. We will will interpret…

  • Next Book Launch

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    On 1st October 22 there is to be another book signing at the coincide with Halloween month! The book, The Ghosts of Gehans Hill, Author, Chris Sharpe, is a…

  • 2022 Heritage Open Day

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    The 2022 Redditch Local History Museum Heritage Open Day is on Saturday 10th September between 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at 5 Market Place, Redditch, B98 8AA

  • Museum Now Listed on Tripadvisor

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    The Redditch Local History Museum is now listed on Tripadvior. The museum has a visitors book on its reception desk full of very encouraging feedback on how visitors have enjoyed…

  • Back To The Future

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    This 1946 map of the proposed development of the Batchely Estate has just been donated to the museum, thank you Hilary Bullman. It was produced by architect Frederick Hill for…

  • Museum Welcomes American Historian

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    A surprise visit to the Redditch Local History Museum was received from a distinguished lady needle case historian from America last Thursday. Terry Mienke is well known worldwide for her…

  • RDC Scrap Books

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    As its time as the driving force in creating Redditch New Town drew to a close, the Development Corporation produced two limited edition scrap books containing newspaper clips of many…

  • New Town Photo Galleries

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    One of the challenges we have set ourselves is collecting and presenting the the town of Redditch in tis pre-, developing- and post- new town phases. These galleries include some…

  • Redditch New Town on Film

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Redditch New Town on Film

    Both during the build, and since the completion of the new town, films has be made about why, how and the result of the development. These provided a unique insight…