Historic Redditch

  • Redditch Farms

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    Prior to the New Town development, the town of Redditch was the centre of a farming community made up of large estates of farms and well as smaller independent farms.…

  • Historic Sites

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Historic Sites

    Despite extensive development in the 1970s & 1980s well the “New Town” was being created, there are still many buildings and sites of historic significance in the borough today. These…

  • Lost Redditch

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Lost Redditch

    In 2014, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the designation of Redditch as a “New Town”, a group of local history enthusiast started a project to investigate and document the…

  • History Briefs

    Thumbnail for the post titled: History Briefs

    To write a comprehensive history book on a town such as Redditch and all the various events and activities that have made up its history would be a major project.…

  • Time Lines

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Time Lines

    Despite REdditch being designated a “New Town” in 1964, we must remember that it has a history stretching back 1000 years.. For a twenty year period, from 196a to 1984,…

  • A Brief History

    Thumbnail for the post titled: A Brief History

    A review of how Redditch evolved into the Town it is today.