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  • Royal Enfield

    Detail to be added.

  • Hymatic Engineering

    Detail to be added.

  • An event not to be missed

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    Work cataloguing the artefacts in Redditch Library recently uncovered a colour file of everyday live in Redditch in 1957. When this film was last seen, if at all, is not…

  • Access to the Heritage Library collection

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    The history and heritage of Redditch has been the subject of hundreds of books and documents over the years. We are attempting to collect as many of these documents as…

  • Seasons Greetings

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    The trustees and volunteers at the Redditch Local History museum would like to take this opportunity to thank all the visitors, donors, contributors and supporters who have helped us in…

  • A Portrait Of Redditch in 1957

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    As part of their work in the Library Archives, Library volunteers uncovered a 1957 16mm cine film which no one can remember being shown. Working with the Redditch Local History…

  • Redditch Library Local History Morning

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Redditch Library Local History Morning

    Friday 9th December the museum supported a Local History Morning organised by Redditch Library. As well as our display showcasing the work of the museum, Library volunteers had on display…

  • Christmas Window Time again

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Christmas Window Time again

    Volunteers led by Janet and Teresa have been busy today decorating the Museum’s windows for the Christmas period. Do pop along for a look. Whilst you are here, why not…

  • Bring Redditch Local History To Life

    Thumbnail for the post titled: Bring Redditch Local History To Life

    The Redditch Edition of Monopoly As part of the 50th anniversary commemoration in 2014 of Redditch New Town, we helped produce this special Redditch edition of the popular board game…

  • British Association for Local History

    Thumbnail for the post titled: British Association for Local History

    The Museum is pleased to be a member of the British Association for Local History (BALH) The British Association for Local History (BALH) was created in 1982 as the successor…